A New and Exciting Workshop — October 8th, 2:00

Namaste Friends,

I am Jacqui Johnson, a divine illumination counselor. Life is about dancing in your divine illumination. You are here to shine in the radiance of your true essence. You have been gifted to be on this glorious planet at this time so you may share your incredible gifts with this world. Your fire within must be ignited in order to light up others. Because the change starts on the internal, you must transform your life on the external. This workshop will assist you in making those gentle alterations in your life so you will unlock your special hidden talents and opportunities that have been waiting to reveal themselves right now at this moment. It will help you make these shifts and transitions into these energies of newness. You will rediscover your strongest power, highest light and your creative knowing that has been itching to come to the surface so you can launch into your golden self.
This is the first time this workshop is being offered in Chattanooga. You are right now on the edge of remembering and recognizing your perfected state of being. It is a very exciting time on planet Earth for you are seeing and learning things about yourself that have been dormant for ions. Through this class you will experience a very sacred journey. It is the calling of your soul to take another magnificent step in your evolutionary growth. This class is for an open individual ready for expansion into greater horizons, more clarity, more wisdom, an inner state of peace and higher consciousness.
To start your min Golden Key Activation:
You will be lying on a yoga mat or sitting in a chair depending on your preference.
I will do automatic writing of sacred codes and symbols. These codes are actual instructions for your life here on earth.
These encoded papers will be placed on top of your body and underneath you.
You will then lie on these channeled frequencies.
You will be taken on a meditative journey with music and my voice.
Through this journey, you will meet beautiful cosmic beings, hear angelic songs, and listen to messages spoken in the sacred language of the soul.
You will be aligned and centered in your divine mission.
You will receive your own personal sacred codes to take home.

Your heart will explore beyond your awareness.
You will experience a greater sense of your Self.
Please drink extra water the day before activation.
Please drink a glass of water before your activation.
Please dress in comfortable attire.

What you may experience:
You may feel incredibly blissful and light; filled with energy and rejuvenation.
You may feel very tired and need more rest. Make sure you honor your body for you are integrating very strong energies of radiant light.
You may experience rapid changes in your life; eating habits and sleeping schedule may shift.
You may feel very connected to the all that is.
Your senses may become very attuned to clearer seeing, tasting, hearing, knowing, smelling and feeling.
Some of my clients have called this an etheric facelift for their skin has toned.
Some of my clients have met their guides and their guardian angels.
Some of my clients have opened to channeling these codes and speaking this language of the soul.
Animals love this energy. Your pet may want to be closer than ever to you.
Whatever you experience is so perfect for your own journey. There is no wrong or right. It is simply divinely perfect and designed just for you at this time.
I am honored to be a vessel for the divine light to flow through me.
Namaste and faerie sparkles,

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