Everything You Always Wanted to Know About REIKI, But Didn’t Know Who to Ask!

Dr. Rick and Well Nest Chattanooga offer an exciting new series of workshops for the Fall, beginning with REIKI, with Reiki Master Donna McMillan!

Many people today are familiar with the term “energy healing.” While there is tremendous variety in the types of energy healing, perhaps one of the most widely known is Reiki.

Usui Sensei, who introduced Reiki in Japan, used it and taught it to others in the early 1900s, as well as after the earthquake that devastated Tokyo in 1923.  Reiki was brought to the West by Hawayo Takata, a Japanese American born in Hawaii, and most people who do Reiki today are students of students of her students.

From Donna:  “My intention for the class is to give basic information about Reiki, to do ‘attunements’ to Reiki I and II, and to give people a chance to use their Reiki and share their experiences.  I hope for everyone in the class to become comfortable using it. Anyone can learn Reiki. No special inborn ability is required. Reiki is not a religion or part of any religion. It is the same general type of energy that is used in acupuncture, Qi Gong, and many other forms of healing.”

Both novices and experienced Reiki practitioners can learn ways to improve your own life and the lives of those around you.

As well as teaching Reiki, Donna McMillan is a teacher by profession and has taught in the U.S., Indonesia, and Japan.  She moved to Chattanooga in 2011, just after the big earthquake in Tokyo, after working for 23 years there.

This workshop will take place on Saturday, September 29th, from 1 to 4 pm.  The fee is by donation only.  A minimum $15.00 donation is suggested and appreciated, and no one will be turned away for lack of funds.  Pre-registration is required, as space is limited.  To register, email:  [email protected]  

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